Harmonic Gatherings - Rainbow Circle

Rainbow Circle

The Rainbow Circle is a field of light frequencies and sound currents from the Crystalline Rainbow Ray that is conducted each week to surround the globe for reception on Sundays at either 8 am or 8 pm, wherever you are in the world.Rainbow Circle Registration

Registering and committing to sit and receive these weekly transmissions will assist in temporarily clearing anything that has hooked, corded, or attached into your magnetic fields, which is depleting you energetically, through interference, influence, and manipulation.

By being part of this weekly Rainbow Circle gathering, we engage in a commitment to clear away all that is not in harmony with Truth and Love… This in turn is reflected into the greater whole, rippling out to 'being the change that we wish to see in this world'.

Receiving transmissions within this Rainbow Circle is exponentially more powerful than in separateness, and your committed presence on Sundays bathes you for the week, continually clearing away the interfering and influencing energies that interfere with you becoming a clear and loving presence within your own life and all of your relationships.

I choose to serve in conducting these transmissions, as well as individually scheduled ‘Heart & Soul Reflection’ sessions without fees.

If your heart desires to become a Rainbow Circle patron, to give in support of your presence to receive, their is a link here and on my home page:

If your heart is called to sit and receive, but you feel hesitant because you are unable to give in support at this time, please do not hesitate to register and open your heart to receive.

For more information, to answer any questions, or to schedule a personal ‘Heart & Soul Reflection’ session contact Carol Marie.

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